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The Aligned Leader (P. II)
AIM: DEFINE YOUR PRIORITY AND PLAN After setting your intention, the next step is to identify your top priority for
The Aligned Leader (P.I)
Ready. Aim. Fire. The wisdom of this simple formula has been lost by so many leaders in today’s world. Many
You Can’t Be Fixed: The New Paradigm of Perfection
If you read my blog, then you know that I offer techniques, tools, and frameworks for creating more consciousness in
The Space in Between
Center Line The pandemic has offered the perfect opportunity to practice living at center line – neutrality. Because its controversial
You Are a Manifesting Machine, But You Have No Idea.
Maybe you roll your eyes at the idea of manifesting your goals or dreams. Or perhaps you tried it but
5 Steps to Take Your Self-Awareness to The Next Level
Over the past weeks, I have offered you ways to create more self-awareness and seize the power to use this
Download My Free eBook “Transform”
Your Ultimate Guide to Creating Change Now.