Katie A. – Consultant & Wellness Coach
Before working with Nick, fear and self-doubt were running my day-to-day. On the outside it looked like I had everything together (great job, an amazing fitness routine, healthy diet, etc..) but on the inside I was falling apart. At this time my only judge of self-worth was based on career and body image. If work was going well, everything else in life seemed to be going well. If my diet and workout routine were “perfect”, then I felt like I was worthy of a small moment of happiness. I was working 12+ hours a day, working out 5-6 days a week as a way to “manage my stress” and as a way to beat myself up for eating too much chocolate. Stress and guilt were my most intimate relationship and in a weird way, I was so comfortable with stress that the idea of managing my stress seemed ridiculous. It seemed like it was a tool to fuel my life and to propel me to the next level. Without stress, how would I ever be successful? My life was definitely working, but it was certainly not sustainable.
I tried everything. Restrictive diets grounded in guilt and shame. Intense workout regimens that left my body feeling depleted and injured. Expensive massages that left my body feeling worse than when I started. All of the personal growth programs and professional development workshops to constantly supply my never-ending to-do list with more things to achieve and boxes to check. And as a perfectionist, that list never got shorter. While all of that work had its place, it was all external. I was always looking outside myself to “fix” what was broken and while each of these approaches worked for a while, it wasn’t long before the happiness factor wore off and I found myself back in the cycle of burnout and depletion.
Within the first 5 minutes of meeting Nick during a meditation class I knew I was at a crossroads and couldn’t keep doing things the way I had been. During his class, this was the first time I had ever truly checked in with my breath and checked in with myself (like my actual, true self). I’ve always believed that we’re put in the exact situation in which we’re meant to be, so when Nick and I talked about stress management work after that meditation class, there was no doubt for me. I didn’t know what it was going to look like, and I was a bit nervous, but I knew with my whole being that this was the right next step in that moment.
My life has completely changed. From an internal perspective, I now have a very healthy relationship with my stress. Instead of stress being the main driver in my life, I have a deep understanding and appreciation for my stress. When it arises, it’s a clear indicator that it’s time to make a shift in how I’m spending my time and energy. Guilt and self judgement are no longer part of my normal routine. Externally, my life looks different as well. I now fuel and move my body based on what feels intuitive instead of what I “should” be doing. For the first time in my life I have a positive relationship with my body image and treat myself with kindness and respect. I have everything I want – an amazing marriage, a home, financial freedom and a career that fuels me from the inside out – and am able to spend my time and energy on what matters most to me. I work less and make more money. I work out less and am the strongest and healthiest I’ve ever been. Once I realized that stress was a habit, I was able to make small shifts over time to transform that habit. I now make decisions from a place of internal alignment – no longer driven by fear or self-doubt.
Yan W. – Computer Engineer & Registered Yoga Teacher
Life has changed phenomenally since I started studying with Nick. I used to be my biggest enemy, judging myself, criticising myself, disappointing myself. I tried to live up to society’s expectations, collecting pieces that should fulfil me, but I was never satisfied.
I was bored, seeing myself as a hamster running on a wheel all day long. I was so afraid that my life would be the same in the next 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, until the end.
Nick showed me there is self-love and self-care within myself, independent from the outside world. He taught me to enjoy the process, not the results. What I love most about his teaching is that he creates opportunities and triggers for me to learn from my own experiences rather than telling me what I should do or feel.
Life is no longer boring as I’m able to sense, feel, and enjoy more than ever. The old self-hatred has been burned into ashes, meanwhile, love and intuition have been planted and have started to grow.
Courtney Q. – Communications Director & Future Mental Health Therapist
Before I met Nick I had heard of mindfulness and meditation and was intrigued but always thought it was a bit “woo-woo”. I had been in therapy for years exploring my “why” and considered myself to be self-aware and emotionally intelligent. I had explored a lot of the reasons why I was not loving myself unconditionally so thought it was smooth sailing and on my way to a life of enlightened living.
My biggest challenge was my need to be needed- this manifested in so many ways and led to burn-out, resentment, and conditional love of myself and others.
I tried focusing on my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health in complete and total silos. The day I met Nick he laid it out so clearly, saying: “It’s all connected”. I realized I was feeling chaotic and fragmented because I was trying to heal and grow in a fragmented way. The work I do with Nick helps me to be mindful of my whole self – mind, body, heart, and soul. I cannot quite explain it but it’s like magic when it needs to be and super practical when I need that too. I mean we can only be superhuman if we are evolving our whole selves, right?
The voice in my head telling me I needed to choose “me” was way bigger than any voice of doubt. I had committed to myself and to the universe that I was going to do big things in 2020 and I just KNEW Nick was a part of my story, so from the second I met Nick, I was all in!
I feel so much lighter and brighter. I feel so much more joyful. I feel so much less resentment. I feel like I am getting the lessons at lightning speed at like they are freaking everywhere all the time and I love it! I feel like me, the me that has wanted to come out and say hello for 37 years but was afraid to be seen and judged.
I realized that when I am the one that stops judging and when I show up to life with compassion and let love and light in, the world will give it back to me. I see now that the universe will keep giving me the exact lessons I need until I get them because I have a purpose and I trust it all now and that choosing hope over fear actually requires a whole lot less energy and that is the place I want to be.
Most of all, I went from not liking myself very much to being on a journey to loving myself, to being kind to myself, and to giving myself the love and trust I so freely give to others. I now see I can choose this place because there is in fact a choice, there is always a choice. Working with Nick is an accelerant to uncovering conscious choices if you are open and willing to do the work.
Sara G. – Spiritual Seeker & Nursing Student
Before I started working with Nick, my life felt out of my control, it felt as if life was being thrown at me and I was just reacting to events and emotions. I was struggling with a binge eating disorder that I had developed over the course of 10 years and these urges felt more powerful than I was.
I was addicted to overeating and food was my drug. When these urges came up to raid the kitchen or run to a drive-thru, I always obeyed… even though I didn’t want to. I hated myself for having this addiction to food and then filled that void with food, it was a vicious cycle that I didn’t feel strong enough to break. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and I doubted I could ever break the cycle and develop a healthy relationship with food and my body.
I can honestly say that I felt like a drug addict when these binging urges came up and no matter how much food I ate it never felt like enough to make me feel “good”. It was painful to eat, I would judge myself the entire time and my body was full of guilt, shame, and regret during and afterward. I felt like I couldn’t function in the real world after a binge, my face would swell up and my physical body was in so much pain I couldn’t get out of bed at times. It was affecting my whole system, my physical body was in pain, mentally I was drained and beating myself up over it, emotionally I was depressed and spiritually I felt powerless.
I doubted everything about myself, that I wasn’t smart enough to be in college, that I didn’t have the confidence to have a leadership role at work, and I didn’t have the discipline and power to overcome my eating disorder. All this doubt in myself felt like a ton of bricks on my life that stopped me from doing anything I wanted, or even knowing what I actually wanted from this life.
My biggest fear at the time was that I was unlovable and unwanted because others would prefer someone else with fewer faults. I felt as if there was too much to “fix” about myself to ever be loved. This fear really fueled my binge eating and I used food to comfort myself from that loneliness.
I doubted that I would be able to sustain the changes I made while working with Nick. When I first signed up with Nick, I remember hearing that the program I was signing up for was 6 months long and I didn’t think that was enough time to make the changes I wanted to make. I thought that when the program was over, I would just go back to the way I was living before working with Nick. At that point I felt like I had tried everything and I would rather spend the 6 months practicing healthier habits than not at all, so I took a leap.
Now I have a healthy relationship with food and myself. I still have urges to binge from time to time and sometimes I will still act on them. What I’ve learned from Nick is to not shut those urges out but to open communication with it because it’s just one of the ways my body is trying to communicate with me. As I listened to my body, I quickly learned how badly I needed to love myself to fill that void of self-hatred and loneliness. As I started to love myself through choosing foods that nourished me, a meditation practice, and doing more things that brought me joy, the urges got less loud. I felt strong enough to fight for the health I knew I deserved, one breath at a time. I learned how to listen to myself and love myself. I learned that my overeating was the way I filled myself up, I thought the only way to feel loved was through large amounts of food. I now fill myself up with self-love, and it starts with how I am talking to myself. I now feel joyous when I eat and have learned to acknowledge and be present with what I am eating.
Acknowledging where the food came from and how it got to my plate. Acknowledging that I am helping this food evolve into energy for my body and the food is helping me evolve to heal.
Life for me now happens on purpose instead of life feeling like it was happening to me and just reacting to it. I gained the confidence to ask for a leadership role at work and two months after working with Nick I was promoted. I started to understand how much potential I have in school and got into a registered nursing program. I only applied to one school because I had that much confidence I would get in and also felt unattached to the result.
When I had the very first consultation with Nick before I even signed up, I was explaining to him my struggle with binge eating and he told me that “the way I am binge eating food is the way that I’m binge eating my life.” It rang so true to me! That insight of the way I do one thing is the way that I do all things, made all the difference for me, and took off the pressure to change everything at once. With that I can focus on one area of my life and those changes will reflect in all parts of me. Even smaller than that, if I can focus on this present moment of my life and choose how I want to show up, like with health and happiness, that will affect all areas of my life. Another insight that stuck with me from the beginning was self-talk and everything I think, say, and do is creating my reality and if I want to change my reality then all I have to do is change the way I think.
I even started to feel grateful for my eating disorder and changed the language I used when it came up. I thanked it for helping me become more aware of how I was treating myself and giving myself love (or lack thereof). When urges come up, I talk to it like a friend and ask, “what do you need my love” instead of, “I hate you, why are you here?”.
I started to thank everything in my life for serving me, the good and the bad because they all served a purpose to get me where I am today.
Today, I can honestly say, I am the happiest and healthiest version of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and I know I have only scratched the surface.
Working with Nick never feels forced and he creates the space for me to truly discover myself. He has coached me to tap into my own power and that I have access to it all the time, not just during coaching calls.
Maura B. – Holistic Wellness Coach & Writer
Six years of studying with Nick has saved and has supersized my life.
His transformational presence, perspectives and practices activated the courage and clarity within me to dissolve a crippling anxiety that was shutting down my endocrine system, my creativity, my love and my joy.
Nick taught me how to stop generating stress by resolving the childhood pain provoking it rather than perpetually assuaging my angst via monthly massages and nightly glasses of wine. More importantly, he modeled for me how I could invite people to uncover their own truths rather than reporting others’ truths to them by empowering me to evolve my career from journalism to coaching.
The price of enrollment scared me because it required my boldest commitment to my well-being yet, but I have learned from Nick that my life is priceless. Moreover, his techniques increase in value over time, making them a lifelong investment. Together, we have elevated my limited picture of my dream reality to a present-moment experience of limitless possibilities.
Thanks to Nick’s multidimensional teachings, I started hearing the voice of my spirit, discovered my life purpose, fell in love with my soul mate, and designed a global company and lifestyle to embody my mission of unity consciousness worldwide. Awake to the sovereignty within, I create myself and my life daily with more radiance, inspiration, intimacy and grace than I ever thought available in human form.
Jordan Y. – Project Manager
I started working with Nick at a time in my life when I was very unbalanced personally and “messy”. I constantly doubted myself, felt insecure and was highly reactive. My highs were very high, but my lows were very low—and I tended to get stuck in them. I struggled with codependency, trying to control everything while feeling like I had no control, and I felt hopelessly stuck. It was like I had all these terrible feelings but didn’t know what to do to help myself or how to implement any meaningful changes in my life.
I did a lot of external things to try to help, from self-help books, to going out more, dating more, trying to fit in. I basically looked for validation everywhere outside of myself and found myself falling deeper into a hole. In one of my first conversations with Nick, I remember fighting tears. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint what was wrong because it wasn’t just one thing. It was my whole state of being and operating, and that made it hard to know if his help would be helpful. But nothing I was doing on my own really worked and I didn’t want to go the standard therapy route since I’d tried so many times.
I had my doubts that anything could help, and I have to be honest, I wasn’t convinced Nick could help either. I feared making a big financial investment in myself that would have no returns, but for whatever reason, I did it. I also remember Nick saying to me once that the goal wasn’t for us to be tied to working together forever. In fact, it was that I would become more self-empowered and implement the things he was teaching me
on my own. That was encouraging and a really refreshing thing to hear from a coach.
When I look back on my work with Nick, I see how it was all part of a larger plan in my journey to where I am today. Nick held a mirror up to so many of the things that I needed to work on. He provided clarity and helped me wade through and articulate feelings that I couldn’t articulate myself, and he combined physical, emotional and spiritual tools that are timeless. I’m very skeptical of anyone trying to “sell help” if they aren’t a therapist, and I don’t love anything gimmicky. But Nick is the real deal. His approach in combining physical, mental and spiritual approaches is extremely effective and practical, and I felt like I truly had some tangible things I could do to help myself through our work. He has a huge heart for helping people and is so strong in his ability to hold space. He makes others feel seen, heard and comfortable, which I value so much, especially as a female client.
My life has changed in so many ways in part due to the work I did with Nick—it’s hard to put it into words! In a nutshell, he helped me to move inward so that I could make changes that flowed outward. I used to be very in-my-head and not at all at peace with myself, so I moved outward to soothe myself. With Nick’s help, I was able to move inward in a healthy way and become more mentally resilient, self-aware and accepting (of myself, my circumstances and those around me). My biggest “success” is that my mind and spirit are strong and more rooted. Today, I look far more confident, accepting, emotionally balanced and physically healthy than I ever have. In the time after our work came to an end, I took risks like moving out of San Francisco, starting new jobs and stepping out in relationships.
Some of the tiniest insights that made the biggest difference for me were little things Nick would say that I now say to myself: “watch your thoughts” and “drop your expectations” are two that stick with me. Nick helped me organize and make sense of all the messy, tumbling thoughts in my head and then turn them into action, where is where I normally got stuck. “What can I do to help myself right now and what do I need” changed my life. I could always say that to myself, but I needed to be coached through it. Nick’s coaching is profound and worth every time and money investment.
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