If you want to maintain long-lasting well-being, you need to effectively manage daily stress. While there are many ways to combat stress, integrative techniques for mindfulness-based stress management, focus on solutions that have lasting effects.

Integrative techniques of mindfulness-based stress reduction include –

Mindfulness Meditation

Being in the present moment is skill that can be acquired and the benefits are extremely beneficial. The most important thing is to master focusing on what is happening right now, rather than the past or the future. This helps to eliminate a majority of the daily stress and anxiety, and gives you the power to transform self from within rather than waiting for circumstances to change.


Integrative Mindfulness-based stress management is incomplete without nourishing the body with a nutritionally dense diet. You can learn to enjoy a largely plant-based diet to promote physical well-being. A healthy diet and healthy body will prepare your body to be resilient despite any emotional or environmental stress. Being mindfulness also helps you identify and overcome triggers that lead to emotional eating.


Yoga postures are like meditation in motion. It keeps you relaxed yet alert and calms the mind. The postures help to release any built-up stress and relax the body and mind.

These three things work as the holy trinity of lasting health and well-being.