Many people, new to mindfulness and meditation, think of it as a state of mind that is absolutely devoid of thoughts and emotions, or something that gives one psychic powers, and so on.

What to Expect

The truth is that mindfulness is simply a practical way to remain in the present without judging our thoughts or experiences. The best way to practice mindfulness for beginners is to start observing what is occurring, without judging it.

Mindfulness gives you a chance to look at your own mind and choosing what is really important, rather than getting swayed by one thing or the other. This gives you the power to stay more calm and flexible.

How to Begin

The simplest mindfulness meditation is a sitting or a walking meditation. You slowly become aware of the sensations in your body, the sounds and smells around you and your thoughts, without judging. Some people like to add chanting and visualization.

Here are some effective mindfulness meditation tips for beginners.

Find a quiet place in your home or a park where you can walk and won’t be disturbed. Relax. Sit or walk upright with open eyes.

Bring your focus on your breath. Feel the air when you inhale and exhale. Notice how your chest expands and contracts with each breath. The goal is to simply be aware of your breath. Acknowledge any thoughts that arise and return your focus to your breath.

Start with short sessions of 5 to 10 minutes a day. Once you are comfortable, gradually increase the duration. Morning is a good time to begin your practice.

To learn more about mindfulness and private yoga in San Francisco, The Big Yogi, Nick Palladino, at or call 707-293-5415. Nick inspires, teaches and leads others towards their own light and life purpose. You can choose from Nick’s one-on-one or on-site corporate classes to bring mindfulness and stress-relief.